Forest Ferns: a Virgo Lunation Offering

Hello, wanderers.

I'm pleased to share an offering with you, an audio update and collective reading for the Virgo lunation, which began on September 7th here in Korea. The moon will move through its rhythmic 28-day cycle through the zodiac signs until October 6th, when it will give way again to dark and start anew. And so it goes, every 28 days. Beginning and waxing anew, ripening into full, and waning back to dark.

Just as the moon waxes and wanes and the earth dances annually from life to decay to rebirth, so too do we each have our own rhythms, our own "inner seasons." So too do we move from winter to spring, from summer to fall. I'm writing this letter from my own inner spring filled at this moment with bursts of flowers both gorgeous and fleeting. Soon this creative energy will peak and ripen, then wane and retreat and I will sink down into my own soil to germinate new seeds. But for now, I am flowering.

And so it was that under the Scorpio moon, I sat at my messy dining room table scattered with tarot decks, art supplies, and books and recorded a meandering and ecstatic transmission of devotion and love for the Virgo lunation.

In this audio recording, I wander first through the lessons I learned along the moon’s 28-day journey that began (August 8th) in the sign of Leo. I describe the powerful energetic and worldview shifts I experienced at the full moon in Aquarius (August 22nd). This portion of the offering is deeply personal and I feel soft and a little vulnerable sharing it. May it touch some equally tender place in your heart.

I move from self-reflection and praise for the Leo moon to the rainbow bridge that runs between the radiant self-celebration of Leo and the devotional and deeply erotic Virgo moon cycle (September 7th - October 6th).

The Fern Forest
This cycle, our mythic guide is The Fern Forest from the Sacred Hags Oracle by Danielle Dulsky. The keyword associated with this card is “fractals.” Dulsky writes:

“A single fern holds so many lessons for us. Each leaf is a fractal, its leaflets mirroring the larger whole, and so, too, are we single breathing bodies within a much larger collective. We are pulsing cells within the one global heart.”

This theme is not new and I’m sure many of you have considered it before. adrienne maree brown (amb) writes beautifully of fractals in her pivotal book, Emergent Strategy.

This cycle, we are reminded of our location in the pattern. Of how intricately and beautifully connected we are. We are called to remember how our actions, our exchanges, and our choices reverberate outward into the collective.

Our lives are interwoven and interdependent, each of us a perfect expression of the whole.

Coryna of Good Spirits Astrology recently shared a gorgeous post on Dike, the Greek goddess of justice associated with the constellation of Virgo. This post was a major source of inspiration for my collective reading. It highlights how the discerning energy of Virgo can call us to examine the standards we set for ourselves. Coryna writes, “When high standards don’t come to define our self worth or our lack of it, they are a sign of self-love and self-respect.”

Discernment has moral and ethical dimensions that play out in our daily lives and if we believe we can “practice the world as we wish to see it” (amb), we must hold ourselves to standards which feed these visions.

Our choices matter. Our actions, however small, reverberate. Virgo asks us to consider our patterns, our choices, our contributions and to discern that which is in service to our collective liberation and that which isn’t - then shift accordingly. And when we shift, the entire forest shifts. When we act in service to our values, then we are weaving our values into the fabric of our world.

In this reading, I weave a conversation around the themes of belonging, reverence, and justice. If we truly live with an acknowledgement of our interconnectedness, then mustn’t we be compelled to care? If we are a part of the whole, caring for the whole is caring for ourselves, and vice versa.

Our guides for this journey are: 7 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, and Justice.

Listen to my reading below:


Daily Tarot/Journal Prompts
May these questions guide you as we ride this lunation together with reverence and care. In this list, I move fluidly between “I” and “we” in acknowledgement of our interconnectedness, of our fern/forest natures.

  1. What devotional path am I walking? 

  2. What is calling for our love and reverence right now?

  3. What is generative and abundant in my life? How am I gathering, preparing, and preserving it?

  4. How am I creating the artistic masterpiece of my life? What are the materials?

  5. How might I dose myself with pleasures small and large in this moment of destruction, change, and transition?

  6. What patterns am I setting with devotion and reverence that reverberate out in a transformative and caring way?

  7. How are our lives acts of service?

  8. How am I “practicing the world I wish to see in the current landscape?”*

  9. How are we already living our purpose?

  10. How am I am a gift worth celebrating?

  11. How might I live today on purpose?*

  12. What is astonishing about my life/our lives at this moment?

  13. What are the current love affairs of my life? What is being exchanged in these acts of love?

  14. How are we dancing with joy and grief?

  15. What am I devoted to?

  16. How am I transforming in order to transform the world?

  17. A desire guiding me towards my highest standards is…

  18. How might we weave rituals of reverence and protection into our daily routines and patterns?

  19. How am I using my resources? Is this in alignment with my values and standards around justice and equity?

  20. Who is our “circle of beloveds”* and how might we dip into the messy nectar of union, joy, togetherness, pleasure, celebration, and love with them this cycle?

*thank you, amb, for the constant inspiration and wisdom, which is weaved throughout this reading.

Creating an Artifact
If you wish to share an artifact (painting, drawing, song, etc) or words of reflection in response to this reading, please reach out. I would love to witness you. If you use the questions above in your daily tarot or journaling practice and wish to share on social, feel free to tag me (@mallorydowd) so I and others can read them.

Works & Resources Cited
This offering was guided and informed by so many wise and generous artists, teachers, and creators, whom I (in very Virgo fashion) have cited thoroughly below. Citing our sources is also an act of justice and devotion. I hope these teachers will be sources of power and pleasure for you, as they have been for me:

Outro song: “Slainte” by Michele McLaughlin

And for your pleasure in the process of connecting with sweet Virgo, may I recommend this gorgeous playlist curated by my very Scorpionic friend and radical astrologer, Mariola Rosario? I know you’ll love it. Mariola recommends listening to it in order.

Virgo Lunation Blessing:
This lunation, may we embrace radical change and clear space so that we might move with clarity of purpose, with higher standards for ourselves and others. May we know that it is both worthy and necessary to believe that we can be better for the sake of the survival and thriving of this gorgeous, perfect world.

May we seed our lives with purpose. May we show up on purpose. May we worship our desires and call in reverence and high standards in alignment with our dreams and desires for this perfect world and its healing. May we make a beautiful ritual practice of the daily work of our lives. May we gather what is ours to gather, may we receive and give in the way that we are able, and sow the seeds for future harvests and celebrations.

May we find the time, energy, space, and relationship this cycle in which to dance, laugh, and feel how we are a current in the wind that travels this whole beautiful perfect earth. May we come together in joyful, erotic union with those in our lives. May we love it, and may we feel fully how we are a fern in the forest, always connected and always in deep and loving relationship with everything.

And so it is.


The World is Wild and So Are We: The Intricacies of Hope & Despair